People visiting campus or people on campus are not exempt from parking regulations. They must either park at a parking meter, pay by stall lots or obtain a visitor permit and park in the proper lots.
Visitor Parking Tip:
Plan ahead and know what your options are for parking BEFORE arriving to campus. Your vehicle may be ticketed and towed if parked incorrectly without a proper permit.
Visitor Permits
Visitor permits are $5/day and can be purchased here through our website. These permits are only valid in General Staff and Student lots. Student Residence halls and apartment parking lots are reserved 24 hours a day and will require a permit to park. A visitor is defined as an individual who owns, operates or parks a vehicle on ISU Campus and is not currently affiliated to Iowa State University in any way. Likewise, the vehicle receiving the citation cannot be affiliated to any one who is Faculty, Staff, Student, Graduate Student, Vendor, Contractor or Construction Worker.
Where To Park- Visitor Parking Locations
There are many different options for visitor parking on and off campus. Meters and pay by stall lots are located across campus.
Tickets to Visitors
Visitors who receive parking tickets on ISU Campus have a few options. Visitors may request a one time visitor void, appeal the citation or pay the citation.
Visitor Voids
Special policies govern citations issued to VISITORS on the ISU campus. Any person who operates a vehicle titled/registered to faculty, staff or student will NOT be covered by visitor status. Visitors are only allowed one visitor void in a lifetime. Citations for Medical, Altering/Counterfeiting, Unauthorized Possession or Illegal Parking Violations will not be voided.
ISU Police Moving Violations will NOT be considered for visitor voids. These must be appealed.
Cyclone Tailgating
Information about where to park to go to home football game and tailgating information.